This Nifty Notions Light box has an 11″ by 17″ lit field, with a dimming button. Thin, lightweight, and GREAT for raw edged applique, tracing, diamond painting, and more!
AND it comes with the cutting mat! Nifty Notions cutting mat is the perfect addition to your Nifty Notions Large Light Pad. This new mat has a ruler around the edges allowing for an unobstructed view of your pattern or cloth. The cutting mat allows for direct cutting on the lightbox, while allowing the bright light from the lightbox to shine through.
Nifty Notions Lightpad Bundle includes one of each of the following: 1 Large Lightpad and Cutting Mat Carrying Case (NNACA3) 1 Back Lit Lightpad Cut Mat (NN4232) 1 Back Lit Cutting Mat LG (NN4232C)